ThreatResponder is now an Approved Product by AV-Comparatives with 98% Malware Protection Rate
NetSecurity is super-excited to share a landmark achievement of our groundbreaking innovation, ThreatResponder, which we’ve been developing for nearly a decade!
The results for the 2024 Business Security Test of endpoint products were conducted by AV-Comparatives.
We are proud to announce that ThreatResponder has emerged victorious among industry titans, including multi-billion dollar companies.
Here’s how NetSecurity ThreatResponder ranks among the Goliaths:
– Performance: #1 (BEST – least impact on system)
– Malware Protection: 98.0% (near-perfect protection)
– Real-World Protection: 95.1% (protection rate)
– False Positive Rate: Average/Medium
ThreatResponder is now an APPROVED product by AV-Comparatives.
To see the full report – Click here
Onward to continue innovation and success!

Job Application Form
NetSecurity seeks professionals interested in becoming part of our company that creates ThreatResponder®, which is positioned to be the “next big thing” in cyber. We seek full-time employment or 1099 expert consultants with high regard for creativity and innovation. To begin the application process, please complete the form below.

Computer Forensics Investigation
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